lymph drainage


In order to accelerate blood circulation, and to remove swelling and edema in the body, it is ideal to apply 3 times a week.

What’s Lymph Drainage?

Apart from healthy eating, movement & exercise, mental calm, there is also a very important health element; lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic circulation, which is responsible for the cleaning of our internal organs and the circulation of the circulation, increases our immunity when it works properly and we have a healthy body resistant to diseases.

The lymph channels contain lad lymph ından fluid, which is composed of water and protein that it collects under the skin. Lymphatic fluid infiltrates the lymphatic surface very close to the skin surface. As the lymphatic fluid flowing through the lymph channels continues its pathway, it is poured into the deeper lymph nodes located deeper, and we can give armpit and groin as an example. The lymph fluid flows through the veins of the lymph nodes and into some larger veins of the body. This water-weighted liquid, which accumulates under the skin and is collected by lymphatic channels, is excreted in the urine. Protein and water accumulate between tissues and form edema. Edema may occur when lymph ducts are inadequate, blockage or destruction of lymph ducts, or a disease. Edema often occurs in the legs and arms, but may occur in any part of the body. The formation of edema in the arm or leg can be very uncomfortable for people who have problems due to tightness, weight and pain.

Lymph Drainage is a massage that lasts about 30 minutes and does not have any side effects after the application, which is ideal to be applied 3 times a week, in order to accelerate the blood circulation and to remove the swelling and edema in the body.


Lymph Drainage, edema and swelling, swollen heels, legs, etc, except toxin buildup, cellulite and weight problems, acne and other skin problems, pre- and post-operative distress, edema and healing process support, scars (old or new), constipation and indigestion, hormonal imbalances, puberty, before and after pregnancy, menopause, pre-menstrual tension, breast tenderness, sinusitis, hay fever, recurrent infections, colds, influenza, upper respiratory tract diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, stress, anxiety, can also help in problems such as tension, fatigue, insomnia.

Application Time

Lymph drainage can be used by anyone. Because this type of massage is very light, no chemicals are used and slow even does not cause redness of the skin.

Who Can Be Applied To

It is a method that can be applied to patients with cellulitis problems at all ages.


Teşvikiye Mah. Sezai Selek Sok. No:18/3
Nişantaşı, İstanbul



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