treatment of blemishes and scars with laser
AESTHETIC MEDICINEWhat's Treatment Of Blemishes And Scars With Laser ?
Scars may occur in different parts of the body for different reasons. A full-thickness incision in the skin always leaves a mark. But the remaining trace differs in everyone and in every region. The reason for this may be a surgical incision, burn or any injury. Every condition that disrupts the integrity of the skin will heal. Only the top layer of our skin is capable of self-renewal. Injuries under this layer will certainly heal. Numerous operations, injuries and accidents can occur in the human body. These traces may disrupt the psychology of the person in the areas that appear especially to the face and cause them to feel self-esteem and bad in the society. Everyone wants to get rid of these tracks altogether, but it is not possible to completely disappear. But the traces can be reduced to a great extent, or a more ambiguous appearance can be achieved.
During the application of stain treatment, laser energy is absorbed heavily by melanin-containing cells, while the other normal skin color cells are virtually unaffected. Many types of blemishes can be completely lost by the laser treatment of the blemishes, or they become rather vague.
Usually badly healed traces are both fluffy, enlarged and red. With the laser application, the fluffy trail is lowered to the skin level. Redness allowed to fade in the skin color and allow a reduction in permissible width.
Application Time
After treatment, the doctor’s recommended moisturizers and sun protection creams can be used.
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