youth vaccine


Non-animal pure hyaluronic acid, which is applied to the skin during the injection with the Youth Vaccine, which is one of the leading anti-Aging applications, activates the collagen, which provides moisture, flexibility and cell renewal.

What’s Youth Vaccine?

Hyaluronic acid, which is found in all parts of our body from our internal organs to our skin, is found in the skin at an early age, but unfortunately it starts to decrease rapidly from the age of 30 years. With the reduction of hyaluronic acid, the skin loses its brightness and elasticity. This process, which is applied with H100 pure hyaluronic acid, aims to rejuvenate the skin by replacing the decreasing hyaluronic acid due to aging, that is to say, treatment of wrinkles and recovery of skin elasticity. Non-animal pure hyaluronic acid, which is applied to the skin during the injection with the Youth Vaccine, which is one of the leading anti-Aging applications, activates the collagen, which provides moisture, flexibility and cell renewal. Increases the skin’s defense system and prolongs the aging process by staying in the skin for a long time. Alcohol, cigarettes, acne, sun and skin damaged by solarium, can be applied as a complement to other treatments.


One of the most important features of hyaluronic acid, the water-retaining effect gives moisture to the skin. It also contributes to making the tissue look healthy and fuller. On the other hand, it has been shown that hyaluronic acid, which is excreted on the skin, enhances and rejuvenates the skin. This contributes to the elastic and smooth appearance of the skin. It is known that hyaluronic acid in the body decreases every year with age. Externally, hyaluronic acid regenerates the natural environment specific to the young skin and delays the aging process determined by genetic and environmental factors.

Application Time

It is applied with very fine needles under the skin for 15-20 minutes. For this application, it is enough to allocate a maximum of 1 hour in total. No pain during the application, a very slight burning can be seen. There is no serious redness after application. Small skin rashes that may occur in sensitive skin also disappear in 1 to 2 hours. It is administered as a total of 4 sessions every two weeks. The effect occurs from day 2, and the skin shines with radiance, and wrinkles are accompanied by tension. In addition, it is easily observed that the skin texture tone has a better quality appearance. The most effective results of the application are taken within the first 2-3 months.

During the treatment, the patient should pay attention to the diet, consume plenty of water, keep the skin with sunscreen cream, and especially the use of cigarettes and alcohol on the day of the application. Paying attention to healthy eating and lifestyle makes the treatment more successful and long-lasting

Who Can Be Applied To

Youth vaccine can be applied to all skin types from the age of 20 years. Repetition of the application every year is important in terms of maintaining permanence.


Teşvikiye Mah. Sezai Selek Sok. No:18/3
Nişantaşı, İstanbul



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