Botox is a bacterial toxin obtained from the botulunium toxin and the trade name of the drug, which allows the muscles to relax in the area where they are applied and that the skin is stretched for a certain period of time. It acts only at the muscle level at which it is applied, and has no effect outside the application site. By blocking the movement of the muscles in the applied area, it can restrict or completely eliminate mimics.
Excessive sweating is considered a health problem rather than a cosmetic problem. Although many methods have been tried to prevent excessive sweating, much success is not achieved. Botox application, sweat glands that cause excessive sweating fiber blocking, is effective in reducing or stopping the problem. Its effect lasts from 6 to 12 months.
Botox is called as snake venom, but it has nothing to do with reality. It is a well-known but actually wrong city legend.
Application Time
The effect of the application starts after 3-4 days and reaches the maximum level on the 15th day. The duration of the effect is 4 months on average and at 6 months it completely disappears and the area of application is restored. When used for antiperspirant, the duration of action is longer.
Who Can Be Applied To
If the advanced age and wrinkles are very advanced and deepened, the desired efficiency cannot be obtained with only botox. These patients should be thoroughly examined and informed about both botox and other methods.
Botox treatment has no adverse side effects. Since it is used in a very small amount for aesthetic purposes, there is no undesirable effect after correct application, there is no swelling, bruising or redness. Rarely, temporary headache may be seen after the application. There is no risk when trained by an experienced specialist. Migraine is one of the most frequently received returns. For 4 hours after the application, the patient is not required to lie on his face and to tilt his head. On the same day the solarium, skin care, hairdresser, pool, sports are not recommended