enzymacid (chemical peeling effective)
SKIN CAREIt significantly improves the quality of skin tissue. Cleansing of the skin from dead cells and removing the skin layers on the surface, mechanical effect, creating a smoother and brighter skin with illuminating effect, chemical effect, supportive tissue regeneration that lasts for weeks, biological effect, skin tone and skin cells with invigorating effect on patients with all ages applicable.
What's Enzymacid (Chemical Peeling Effective)?
It deals with various skin problems in dermo-aesthetic care, pale skin, skin of people who smoke, blisters, excessive pigmentation, thickening skin, superficial spots, scars, superficial wrinkles and tired skin.
This versatile peeling treatment, a new skin care technology, significantly improves the quality of skin tissue. Cleansing of the skin from dead cells and removing the skin layers on the surface, mechanical effect, creating a smoother and brighter skin with illuminating effect, chemical effect, supportive tissue regeneration that lasts for weeks, biological effect, skin tone and skin cells with invigorating effect on patients with all ages applicable.
Application Time
CLEANING: It is cleaned with milk and lotions specially used for care, face and neck.
PEELING: This scrub is cleansed by scrub for face and neck.
SERUM: Bioptic Soothing Two cotton pieces soaked in the lotion are placed in the eyes for protection. Glyco Serum VIT C is applied to the face with hand tips on the palm and placed in 2 sets for 3 minutes.
MASSAGE: The Post Acid Modeling cream is applied as a thin layer of cream to a long and relaxing massage.
SERUM: Glyco Serum PLGA is applied to the face and kept in 2sets for 3 minutes.
MASK: A long, relaxing massage is applied by applying the cream again. The gauze is placed over the entire face. Then apply Peel Off Mask with the help of brush. The mask is left in the skin for 20 minutes until completely dry.
The treatment is terminated by applying Prozym cream or Whitefluid protection cream according to the skin, season or sunlight of the patient.
Who Can Be Applied To
If there is open pale on the surface to be peeled, if there is deep sunburn, open wounds and infections, this method is not used if peeling has been done before. In addition, people who have been treated with Roaccutane or who have seen recently have no chemical peeling.